var onceIdle = require('../once-idle') module.exports = function (update, onBind, onUnbind) { var lazy = false var context = this var updating = false var obj = { live: false, nextTick: false, idle: false, suspended: false, update: update, value: null, listeners: [], broadcast: function () { if (obj.nextTick) { if (!updating) { updating = true setImmediate(broadcast) } } else { broadcast() } }, transaction: function (value, cb) { var originalValue = obj.suspended obj.suspended = true cb(value) obj.suspended = originalValue obj.broadcast() }, onUpdate: function () { if (obj.idle) { if (!updating) { updating = true onceIdle(obj.updateAndBroadcast) } } else if (obj.nextTick) { if (!updating) { updating = true setImmediate(obj.updateAndBroadcast) } } else { obj.updateAndBroadcast() } }, updateAndBroadcast: function () { updating = false if ( { broadcast() } }, checkUpdated: function () { if (! || lazy || updating) { lazy = false if (obj.nextTick && && lazy) { obj.onUpdate() // use cached value to make more responsive } else { update.apply(context) } } }, getValue: function () { obj.checkUpdated.apply(context) return obj.value }, addListener: function (listener) { if (typeof listener !== 'function') { throw new Error('Listeners must be functions.') } obj.listeners.push(listener) if (! { = true lazy = true onBind.apply(context) } return function release () { for (var i = 0, len = obj.listeners.length; i < len; i++) { if (obj.listeners[i] === listener) { obj.listeners.splice(i, 1) break } } if (!obj.listeners.length && { = false onUnbind.apply(context) } } } } return obj // scoped function broadcast () { if (!obj.suspended) { var cachedListeners = obj.listeners.slice(0) for (var i = 0, len = cachedListeners.length; i < len; i++) { cachedListeners[i](obj.value) } } } }