var h = require('hyperscript') var u = require('../util') var pull = require('pull-stream') var Scroller = require('../pull-scroll') var id = require('../keys').id exports.needs = { publish: 'first', avatar_edit: 'first' } = { screen_view: true } exports.create = function (api) { return { screen_view: function (path, sbot) { if(path === 'Identify') { if(process.title === 'browser') { var identify = h('input.identify', {placeholder: 'Your Name', name: 'namespace'}) var div = h('div.column.scroller', {style: 'overflow: auto;'}, h('div.scroller__wrapper', h('div.column.scroller__content', h('h1', 'You\'re in! Now, you need a name'), h('p', {innerHTML: '

You\'ve just generated a new public/private keypair:

' + localStorage['browser/.ssb/secret'] + '
You\'re the only person with access to the private key. If you want to hang onto this identity, save this key somewhere safe.
'}), h('p', {innerHTML: 'Right now, you\'re only identified by your public key: ' + id + '

Start by giving yourself a name:'}, api.avatar_edit(id), h('p', {innerHTML: 'Once you\'re done, navigate to your feed.'}) ) ) ) ) return div } } } } }