var pull = require('pull-stream') var sbotQuery = require('./scuttlebot').query //this is a bit crude, and doesn't actually show unfollows yet. function makeQuery (a, b) { return {"$filter": { value: { author: a, content: { type: 'contact', contact: b, following: true } }, }} } = { follows: true, followers: true, follower_of: true } exports.create = function (api) { return { follows: function (id, cb) { return sbotQuery({query: [ makeQuery(id, {$prefix:"@"}), {"$map": ['value', 'content', 'contact']} ]}) }, followers: function (id) { return sbotQuery({query: [ makeQuery({$prefix:"@"}, id), {"$map": ['value', 'author']} ]}) }, follower_of: function (source, dest, cb) { pull( sbotQuery({query: [ makeQuery(source, dest), {$map: ['value', 'content', 'following']} ]}), pull.collect(function (err, ary) { if(err) return cb(err) else cb(null, ary.pop()) //will be true, or undefined/false }) ) } } }