var h = require('hyperscript') var human = require('human-time') module.exports.timestamp = function (msg) { // this function renders a human-readable timestamp and updates it once in awhile function updateTimestampEl(el) { el.firstChild.nodeValue = human(new Date(el.timestamp)) return el } setInterval(function () { var els = []'.timestamp')) els.forEach(updateTimestampEl) }, 60e3) var timestamp = updateTimestampEl(h('a.enter.timestamp', { href: '#'+msg.key, timestamp: msg.value.timestamp, title: new Date(msg.value.timestamp) }, '')) return timestamp } var emojis = require('emoji-named-characters') module.exports.emojinames = function () { var emojiNames = Object.keys(emojis) return emojiNames } var sbot = require('./scuttlebot.js') module.exports.message_name = function (id, cb) { // gets the first few characters of a message, for message-link function title (s) { var m = /^\n*([^\n]{0,40})/.exec(s) return m && (m[1].length == 40 ? m[1]+'...' : m[1]) } sbot.get(id, function (err, value) { if(err && == 'NotFoundError') return cb(null, id.substring(0, 10)+'...(missing)') if(value.content.type === 'post' && 'string' === typeof value.content.text) return cb(null, title(value.content.text)) else if('string' === typeof value.content.text) return cb(null, value.content.type + ':'+title(value.content.text)) else return cb(null, id.substring(0, 10)+'...') }) } var messageName = exports.message_name var ref = require('ssb-ref') module.exports.message_link = function (id) { // generates a link to a message that has been replied to if('string' !== typeof id) throw new Error('link must be to message id') var link = h('a', {href: '#'+id}, id.substring(0, 10)+'...') if(ref.isMsg(id)) messageName(id, function (err, name) { if(err) console.error(err) else link.textContent = name }) return link } var markdown = require('ssb-markdown') var config = require('../config')() module.exports.markdown = function (content) { function renderEmoji(emoji) { var url = config.emojiUrl + emoji if (!url) return ':' + emoji + ':' return ':' + escape(emoji) + ':' } if('string' === typeof content) content = {text: content} //handle patchwork style mentions. var mentions = {} var md = h('div.markdown') md.innerHTML = markdown.block(content.text, { emoji: renderEmoji, toUrl: function (id) { if(ref.isBlob(id)) return config.blobsUrl + id return '#'+(mentions[id]?mentions[id]:id) } }) return md }