![minbase.png](minbase.png) # Minbase Minbase is an unopinionated minimal base on which to build opinionated [Secure Scuttlebutt](http://scuttlebot.io) clients. Scuttlebot is [An off-grid social network](https://staltz.com/an-off-grid-social-network.html). Minbase is maintained by [Everett Bogue](http://evbogue.com/) - [@ev](http://evbogue.com:8807/@8Qee0I/DwI5DHSCi3p5fsl6FyLGArrnDz3ox9qZr5Qc=.ed25519) on ssb. ### Origins Minbase is a fork of [Patchbay@6.1.3](https://github.com/ssbc/patchbay/commit/e3a918ef0b3864578f624ca14e12fe1cf0079b3a), which was originally written by Dominic Tarr. In the beginning I wanted to find out just how minimal Patchbay could be, with the idea that 'minbay' would get merged into Master as a depject configuration, however that never happened so now it's a fork as Patchbay@7 and Minbase are now barely resemble each other. Minbase shares a lot of the original Patchbay@6 code, with minimal modifications. ## Installation ``` git clone ssb://%+tyUthD1L689osLUj8LNLV4smRKpO7Wu07DB+LMd7TQ=.sha256 minbase ``` or ``` git clone git@github.com:evbogue/minbase.git ``` Next use ssb-npm, npm or yarn to install dependencies, build the client, and start minbase. ``` cd minbase npm install npm run build npm start ``` navigate to the location of the `minbase/build/index.html` file or [localhost:3013](http://localhost:3013) Minbase will start a local sbot instance using `ssb-party`. You'll see a lite client invite on your command line. Click the lite client invite and accept to generate a new identity and load the websocket server into your browser. If you want to import your ssb identity, load your public/private key from `.ssb/secret` into the 'Your Key' tab in minbase. --- Minbase also works with Electron. `sudo npm install -g electro` and run minbase using electron `electro index` -- this won't start the scuttlebot server, so do that in another window. ## License MIT