const nest = require('depnest') const { Value, Proxy, Array: MutantArray, h, computed, when, throttle, isObservable, resolve } = require('mutant') const pull = require('pull-stream') const Abortable = require('pull-abortable') const Scroller = require('../../../scroller') const extend = require('xtend') const GroupSummaries = require('../../../group-summaries') const rootBumpTypes = ['mention', 'channel-mention', 'invite'] const getBump = require('../../../get-bump') const many = require('../../../many') const bumpMessages = { reaction: 'liked this message', invite: 'invited you to this gathering', reply: 'replied to this message', updated: 'added changes', mention: 'mentioned you', 'channel-mention': 'mentioned this channel', attending: 'can attend' } exports.needs = nest({ 'app.sync.externalHandler': 'first', 'message.html.canRender': 'first', 'message.html.render': 'first', 'message.sync.unbox': 'first', 'message.sync.timestamp': 'first', 'profile.html.person': 'first', '': 'first', '': 'first', 'message.sync.root': 'first', 'sbot.async.get': 'first', '': 'first', 'intl.sync.i18n': 'first', 'intl.sync.i18n_n': 'first', 'message.html.missing': 'first', 'feed.html.metaSummary': 'first' }) = nest({ 'feed.html.rollup': true }) exports.create = function (api) { const i18n = api.intl.sync.i18n const i18nPlural = api.intl.sync.i18n_n return nest('feed.html.rollup', function (getStream, { prepend, hidden = false, groupSummaries = true, compactFilter = returnFalse, ungroupFilter = returnFalse, searchSpinner = false, updateStream }) { const updates = Value(0) const yourId = const throttledUpdates = throttle(updates, 200) const updateLoader = h('a Notifier -loader', { href: '#', 'ev-click': refresh }, [ 'Show ', h('strong', [throttledUpdates]), ' ', plural(throttledUpdates, i18n('update'), i18n('updates')) ]) let abortLastFeed = null let unwatchHidden = null const content = Value() const loading = Proxy(true) const unreadIds = new Set() let newSinceRefresh = new Set() let highlightItems = new Set() const container = h('Scroller', { // only bind elements that are visible in scroller intersectionBindingViewport: { rootMargin: '1000px' }, style: { overflow: 'auto' }, hooks: [() => { // don't activate until added to DOM refresh() if (isObservable(hidden)) { unwatchHidden = hidden(() => { refresh() }) } // deactivate when removed from DOM return () => { if (abortLastFeed) { abortLastFeed() abortLastFeed = null } if (unwatchHidden) { unwatchHidden() unwatchHidden = null } } }] }, [ h('div.wrapper', [ h('section.prepend', prepend), content, when(loading, searchSpinner ? h('Loading -large -search') : h('Loading -large')) ]) ]) if (updateStream) { pull( updateStream, pull.drain((msg) => { if (!(msg && msg.value && msg.value.content && msg.value.content.type)) return if (!canRenderMessage(msg)) return // Only increment the 'new since' for items that we render on // the feed as otherwise the 'show updates message' will be // shown on new messages that patchwork cannot render if ( !== yourId && (!msg.root || canRenderMessage(msg.root))) { newSinceRefresh.add(msg.key) unreadIds.add(msg.key) } if ( === yourId && content()) { // dynamically insert this post into the feed! (manually so that it doesn't get slow with mutant) if (api.message.sync.root(msg)) { const existingContainer = content().querySelector(`[data-root-id="${api.message.sync.root(msg)}"]`) if (existingContainer) { const replies = existingContainer.querySelector('div.replies') replies.appendChild(api.message.html.render(msg, { compact: false, priority: 2 })) } } else { highlightItems.add(msg.key) content().prepend( renderItem(extend(msg, { latestReplies: [], totalReplies: 0, rootBump: { type: 'post' } })) ) } } updates.set(newSinceRefresh.size) }) ) } const result = MutantArray([ when(hidden, null, when(updates, updateLoader) ), container ]) result.pendingUpdates = throttledUpdates result.reload = refresh return result function canRenderMessage (msg) { if (msg && msg.value && msg.value.content) { return api.message.html.canRender(msg) } } function refresh () { if (resolve(hidden)) { content.set(null) loading.set(false) return } if (abortLastFeed) abortLastFeed() updates.set(0) content.set(h('section.content')) const abortable = Abortable() abortLastFeed = abortable.abort highlightItems = newSinceRefresh newSinceRefresh = new Set() const firstItemVisible = Value(false) const done = Value(false) const scroller = Scroller(container, content(), renderItem, { onDone: () => done.set(true), onItemVisible: (item) => { if (!firstItemVisible()) { firstItemVisible.set(true) } if (Array.isArray(item.msgIds)) { item.msgIds.forEach(id => { unreadIds.delete(id) }) } } }) // track loading state loading.set(scroller.waiting) const seen = new Set() pull( getStream(), abortable, pull.filter(item => { // don't show the same threads again (repeats due to pull-resume) if (seen.has(item.key)) { return false } seen.add(item.key) return true }), pull.filter(canRenderMessage), // group related items (follows, subscribes, abouts) groupSummaries ? GroupSummaries({ windowSize: 15, getPriority, ungroupFilter }) : pull.through(), scroller ) } function renderItem (item, opts) { if ( { return api.feed.html.metaSummary(item, renderItem, getPriority, opts) } let mostRecentBumpType = (item.bumps && item.bumps[0] && item.bumps[0].type) const rootBump = getBump(item, item.rootBump) if (!mostRecentBumpType) { if (rootBump && rootBumpTypes.includes(rootBump.type)) { mostRecentBumpType = rootBump.type } else { mostRecentBumpType = 'reply' } } const bumps = getBumps(item)[mostRecentBumpType] const renderedMessage = api.message.html.render(item, { compact: compactFilter(item), includeForks: false, pageId: item.key, forkedFrom: item.value.content.root, priority: getPriority(item) }) const unreadBumps = [] if (!highlightItems.has(item.key) && item.bumps) { item.bumps.forEach(bump => { if (highlightItems.has( { unreadBumps.push( } }) } unreadIds.delete(item.key) let meta = null // explain why this message is in your feed if (mostRecentBumpType !== 'matches-channel' && item.rootBump && item.rootBump.type === 'matches-channel') { // the root post was in a channel that you subscribe to meta = h('div.meta', [ many(item.rootBump.channels,, i18n), ' ', i18n('mentioned in your network') ]) } else if (bumps && bumps.length) { const authors = getAuthors(bumps) if (mostRecentBumpType === 'matches-channel') { // a reply to this post matches a channel you subscribe to const channels = new Set() bumps.forEach(bump => bump.channels && bump.channels.forEach(c => channels.add(c))) meta = h('div.meta', [ i18nPlural('%s people from your network replied to this message on ', authors.length), many(channels,, i18n) ]) } else { // someone you follow replied to this message const description = i18n(bumpMessages[mostRecentBumpType] || 'added changes') meta = h('div.meta', [ many(authors, api.profile.html.person, i18n), ' ', description ]) } } const latestReplyIds = => msg.key) const hasMoreNewReplies = unreadBumps.some(id => !latestReplyIds.includes(id)) return h('FeedEvent -post', { msgIds: [item.key].concat( => x.key)), attributes: { 'data-root-id': item.key } }, [ meta, renderedMessage, item.totalReplies > item.latestReplies.length ? h('a.full', { href: item.key, anchor: { // highlight unread messages in thread view unread: unreadBumps, // only drop to latest messages if there are more new messages not visible in thread summary anchor: hasMoreNewReplies ? unreadBumps[unreadBumps.length - 1] : null } }, [i18n('View full thread') + ' (', item.totalReplies, ')']) : null, h('div.replies', [ => { const result = api.message.html.render(msg, { compact: compactFilter(msg, item), priority: getPriority(msg) }) return [ // insert missing message marker (if can't be found) api.message.html.missing(last(msg.value.content.branch), msg, item), result ] }) ]) ]) } function getPriority (msg) { if (highlightItems.has(msg.key)) { return 2 } else if (unreadIds.has(msg.key)) { return 1 } else { return 0 } } }) } function plural (value, single, many) { return computed(value, (value) => { if (value === 1) { return single } else { return many } }) } function getAuthors (items) { const authors = {} items.forEach(item => { authors[] = true }) return Object.keys(authors) } function returnFalse () { return false } function last (array) { if (Array.isArray(array)) { return array[array.length - 1] } else { return array } } function getBumps (msg) { const bumps = {} const rootBump = getBump(msg, msg.rootBump) if (rootBump) { bumps[rootBump.type] = [rootBump] } if (Array.isArray(msg.bumps)) { msg.bumps.forEach(bump => { const type = bump.type || 'reply' bumps[type] = bumps[type] || [] bumps[type].push(bump) }) } return bumps }