const { computed, h, map, Value, watch } = require('mutant') const nest = require('depnest') const packageInfo = require('../../../../../package.json') const ExpanderHook = require('../../../../expander-hook') const themeNames = Object.keys(require('../../../../../styles')) const electron = require('electron') exports.needs = nest({ 'app.navigate': 'first', 'settings.obs.get': 'first', 'intl.sync.locales': 'first', 'intl.sync.i18n': 'first', 'intl.sync.localeNames': 'first' }) = nest('page.html.render') let availableDictionaries = Value([]) electron.ipcRenderer.on('setAvailableDictionaries', (ev, langs) => { availableDictionaries.set(langs) }) exports.create = function (api) { return nest('page.html.render', function channel (path) { if (path !== '/settings') return const i18n = api.intl.sync.i18n const locales = api.intl.sync.locales() const localeNameLookup = api.intl.sync.localeNames() const fontSizes = ['8px', '10px', '12px', '14px', '16px', '18px', '20px'] const fontFamilies = [ 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace' ] const theme = api.settings.obs.get('patchwork.theme', 'light') const lang = api.settings.obs.get('patchwork.lang', '') const spellcheckLangs = api.settings.obs.get('patchwork.spellcheckLangs', ['en-GB']) const enableSpellCheck = api.settings.obs.get('patchwork.enableSpellCheck', true) const spellcheckParams = computed([spellcheckLangs, enableSpellCheck], (langs, enabled) => ({ langs, enabled })) watch(spellcheckParams, (params) => { electron.ipcRenderer.invoke('setSpellcheckLangs', params) }) const fontSize = api.settings.obs.get('patchwork.fontSize', '') const fontFamily = api.settings.obs.get('patchwork.fontFamily', '') const includeParticipating = api.settings.obs.get('patchwork.includeParticipating', false) const autoDeleteBlocked = api.settings.obs.get('patchwork.autoDeleteBlocked', false) // const filterFollowing = api.settings.obs.get('filters.following') // const filterSubscriptions = api.settings.obs.get('filters.subscriptions') // const onlySubscribed = api.settings.obs.get('filters.onlySubscribed') // const filterChannelViewSubscriptions = api.settings.obs.get('filters.channelView.subscriptions') const prepend = [ h('PageHeading', [ h('h1', [ h('strong', i18n('Settings')) ]) ]) ] return h('Scroller', { style: { overflow: 'auto' } }, [ h('div.wrapper', [ h('section.prepend', prepend), h('section.content', [ h('section', [ h('h2', i18n('Theme')), h('select', { style: { 'font-size': '120%' }, value: theme, 'ev-change': (ev) => theme.set( }, [ => h('option', { value: name }, [name])) ]) ]), h('section', [ h('h2', i18n('Interface Language')), h('select', { style: { 'font-size': '120%' }, value: lang, 'ev-change': (ev) => lang.set( }, [ h('option', { value: '' }, i18n('Default')), => h('option', { value: code }, [ '[', code, '] ', getLocaleName(code) ])) ]) ]), h('section', [ h('h2', i18n('Spellchecking')), h('div', [ checkbox(enableSpellCheck, { label: i18n('Enable Spellchecking') }) ]), h('h3', i18n('Languages to check for (select multiple)')), h('select', { disabled: computed(enableSpellCheck, (b) => !b), multiple: true, size: 10, style: { 'font-size': '120%' }, hooks: [SpellcheckChangeHook(spellcheckLangs)] }, [ map(availableDictionaries, (code) => h('option', { value: code, selected: spellcheckLangs().indexOf(code) !== -1, }, [ '[', code, '] ', getLocaleName(code) ])) ]) ]), h('section', [ h('h2', i18n('Font Size')), h('select', { style: { 'font-size': '120%' }, value: fontSize, 'ev-change': (ev) => fontSize.set( }, [ h('option', { value: '' }, i18n('Default')), => h('option', { value: size }, size)) ]) ]), h('section', [ h('h2', i18n('Font Family')), h('select', { style: { 'font-size': '120%' }, value: fontFamily, 'ev-change': (ev) => fontFamily.set( }, [ h('option', { value: '' }, i18n('Default')), => h('option', { value: family, }, family)) ]) ]), h('h2', i18n('Notification Options')), h('div', [ checkbox(includeParticipating, { label: i18n('Include "Participating" tab in navigation bar') }) ]), h('h2', i18n('Blocking')), h('div', [ checkbox(autoDeleteBlocked, { label: i18n('Automatically delete messages from blocked authors. This is irreversible and will cause problems with clients that share the database but do not support deleted messages. Enable at your own risk!') }) ]) ]), // h('section', [ // h('h2', i18n('Channel Feed Options')), // h('div', [ // checkbox(filterChannelViewSubscriptions, { // label: i18n('Hide channel subscription messages') // }) // ]) // ]), h('section', [ h('h2', i18n('Key export')), h('p', [ i18n('Click'), ' ', h('a', { href: '#', 'ev-click': function () {'/mnemonic', {}) } }, i18n('here')), ' ', i18n('to export your secret as a mnemonic.'), ' (', 'English only, sorry.',')', ]) ]), h('section', [ h('h2', i18n('Information')), h('p', `${packageInfo.productName} ${packageInfo.version}`) ]) ]) ]) function getLocaleName (code) { const translated = i18n(code) const name = localeNameLookup[code] if (name !== translated && code !== translated) { return `${name} (${translated})` } else { return name } } }) } function checkbox (param, { label }) { return h('label', [ h('input', { type: 'checkbox', checked: param, 'ev-change': (ev) => param.set( }), ' ', label ]) } function SpellcheckChangeHook (spellcheckLangs) { return function (element) { element.addEventListener('change', (ev) => { const newLangs = [] for (const c of { if (c.selected) { newLangs.push(c.value) } } spellcheckLangs.set(newLangs) }) } }