const pull = require('pull-stream') const parallel = require('run-parallel') const Paramap = require('pull-paramap') const extend = require('xtend') const HLRU = require('hashlru') const pullResume = require('../pull-resume') const threadSummary = require('../thread-summary') const LookupRoots = require('../lookup-roots') const ResolveAbouts = require('../resolve-abouts') const UniqueRoots = require('../unique-roots') const getRoot = require('../get-root') exports.manifest = { avatar: 'async', latest: 'source', roots: 'source' } exports.init = function (ssb) { const cache = HLRU(100) return { avatar: function avatar ({ id }, cb) { const result = { id } parallel([(done) => { ssb.about.socialValue({ dest: id, key: 'name' }, (err, value) => { if (err) return done(err) = value done() }) }, (done) => { ssb.about.socialValue({ dest: id, key: 'image' }, (err, value) => { if (err) return done(err) if (value && value instanceof Object && value = result.image = value done() }) }], (err) => { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, result) }) }, latest: function latest ({ id }) { return pull( ssb.createUserStream({ id, live: true, old: false, awaitReady: false }), pull.filter(bumpFilter), LookupRoots({ ssb, cache }), pull.filter(msg => { return !getRoot(msg.root) }) // TODO: handle blocked users ) function bumpFilter (msg) { return checkBump(msg, { id }) } }, roots: function roots ({ id, limit, reverse, resume }) { // use resume option if specified const opts = { id, reverse, old: true, awaitReady: false } if (resume) { opts[reverse ? 'lt' : 'gt'] = resume } return pullResume.source(ssb.createUserStream(opts), { limit, getResume: (item) => { return item && item.value && item.value.sequence }, filterMap: pull( pull.filter(bumpFilter), LookupRoots({ ssb, cache }), // DON'T REPEAT THE SAME THREAD UniqueRoots(), // DON'T INCLUDE UN-ROOTED MESSAGES (e.g. missing conversation root) pull.filter(msg => { return !getRoot(msg.root) }), // JUST RETURN THE ROOT OF THE MESSAGE => { return msg.root || msg }), // RESOLVE ROOTS WITH ABOUTS (gatherings) ResolveAbouts({ ssb }), // ADD THREAD SUMMARY Paramap((item, cb) => { threadSummary(item.key, { readThread:, recentLimit: 3, bumpFilter, recentFilter // TODO: hide blocked replies from other users }, (err, summary) => { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, extend(item, summary)) }) }, 20) ) }) function recentFilter (msg) { // only show replies by this feed on the profile return === id } function bumpFilter (msg) { return checkBump(msg, { id }) } } } } function checkBump (msg, { id }) { if ( === id) { const content = msg.value.content const type = content.type if (type === 'vote' && !getRoot(msg)) { // only show likes when root post const vote = if (vote) { return { type: 'reaction', reaction: vote.expression, value: vote.value } } } else if (type === 'post') { if (getRoot(msg)) { return 'reply' } else { return 'post' } } else if (type === 'about') { return 'update' } else if (type === 'contact') { return 'post' } } }