const fs = require("fs"); const fsPath = require("path"); const { computed, h, Value } = require("mutant"); const nest = require("depnest"); const ssbMnemonic = require("ssb-keys-mnemonic"); const watch = require("mutant/watch"); exports.needs = nest({ "message.html.markdown": "first", "intl.sync.i18n": "first", "keys.sync.load": "first", }); = nest("page.html.render"); exports.create = function (api) { return nest("page.html.render", function channel(path) { const assetPath = fsPath.join( __dirname, "..", "..", "..", "..", "..", "assets", "" ); const markdown = api.message.html.markdown const warningText = fs.readFileSync(assetPath, "utf8"); const warningHtml = markdown(warningText); const confirmationText = Value(""); if (path !== "/mnemonic") return; const i18n = api.intl.sync.i18n; const keys = api.keys.sync.load(); const words = ssbMnemonic.keysToWords(keys).split(" "); const wordBatches = []; const maxLen = words.reduce( (currMax, currWord) => currWord.length > currMax ? currWord.length : currMax, 0 ); for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i = i + 4) { const batchLine = words .slice(i, i + 4) .map((s) => s.padEnd(maxLen, " ")) .join(" "); wordBatches.push(batchLine); } const mnemonic = wordBatches.join("\n"); const prepend = [ h("PageHeading", [h("h1", [h("strong", i18n("Key Export"))])]), ]; const content = [h("section", warningHtml), h("hr")]; let showNextChallenge = Value(false) const showFirstChallenge = showNextChallenge content.push( h( "form", { style: { margin: "1em auto", }, action: "", "ev-submit": (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); showFirstChallenge.set(true); }, }, h( "button", { disabled: showFirstChallenge, style: { margin: "1em auto", "background-color": "#51c067", color: "white", }, }, "I still want to export my keys" ), ) ); function addChallenge(challenge, response) { const showChalllenge = showNextChallenge; const showNext = Value(false); content.push( h( "section", { hidden: computed(showChalllenge, (b) => !b) }, challenge ), h( "form", { hidden: computed(showChalllenge, (b) => !b), style: { margin: "1em auto", }, action: "", "ev-submit": (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); if (confirmationText().toLowerCase() === response.toLowerCase()) { showNext.set(true); } }, }, [ h("input", { disabled: showNext, hooks: [ValueHook(confirmationText), ScrollHook(showChalllenge)], size: response.length + 1 < 30 ? 30 : response.length + 1, "ev-paste": (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); }, }), ] ) ); showNextChallenge = showNext } addChallenge( [ markdown('> ' + i18n("To confirm you understand the risks and responsibilities here, we will play a little game. Are you ready?")), i18n("Type 'yes' and it return to continue"), ], i18n('yes'), ); addChallenge( markdown('> ' + i18n("This will be annoying and slow. That's intentional. It's a feature, not a bug. You really need to understand that we can't help you if this goes wrong. Type 'I understand' to confirm")), i18n('I understand'), ); addChallenge( markdown('> ' + i18n("Good. You'll answer a bunch of questions. The prize for getting them right is one giant foot-gun. Aka: your key export\nLet's start easy: What's the name of the person posting the bird picture?")), i18n('Carol'), ); addChallenge( markdown('> ' + i18n("Excellent job. And that's the same person as the one posting about #foffee, right?")), i18n('no'), ); addChallenge( markdown('> ' + i18n("Well *someone* has been paying attention. Good catch! So, who was it then?")), i18n('Alice'), ); addChallenge( markdown('> ' + i18n("You made it quite far into the text, that's good news!\nChange of gears: Will this procedure allow you to use the same identity on multiple two or more devices?")), i18n('no'), ); const sameAsChallenge = i18n('I understand that exporting my key will not allow me to use it on more than one device.') addChallenge( markdown('> ' + i18n("That's right. But let's be clear here. Please type this out:")+'\n> '+sameAsChallenge), sameAsChallenge, ); addChallenge( markdown('> ' + i18n("At which step of the process does manyverse become the sole holder of your identity?")), i18n('9'), ); addChallenge( markdown('> ' + i18n("Correct. Just after you import the key.\nIs it safe to post at that point then?")), i18n('no'), ); addChallenge( markdown('> ' + i18n("Okay, looks like you're getting it. One last one then:\nIf any of this goes wrong, who can most likely help you?\n* The patchwork devs\n* The manyverse devs\n* Nobody")), i18n('nobody'), ); content.push( h("hr", { hidden: computed(showNextChallenge, (b) => !b) }), h("div", { hidden: computed(showNextChallenge, (b) => !b) }, [ h("p", i18n("Congrats, you made it. Here your mnemonic representation of your secret:")), h("pre.mnemonic", { hooks: [ScrollHook(showNextChallenge)], }, mnemonic), h( "p", i18n( "Again: be very careful with it. Keep it secret, and don't use this key on multiple devices, including this one." ) ), ]) ); return h("Scroller", { style: { overflow: "auto" } }, [ h("div.wrapper", [ h( "section.prepend", h("PageHeading", [h("h1", [h("strong", i18n("Key Export"))])]) ), h("section.content", content), ]), ]); }); }; function ValueHook(obs) { return function (element) { element.value = obs(); element.oninput = function () { obs.set(element.value.trim()); }; }; } function ScrollHook(obs) { return function(element) { var scrolledOnce = false watch(obs, (visible) => { if (!scrolledOnce && visible) { scrolledOnce = true element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() try { element.focus() } catch {} } }) } }