const pull = require('pull-stream') const defer = require('pull-defer') const { Value, onceTrue, watch, Set: MutantSet } = require('mutant') const ref = require('ssb-ref') const Reconnect = require('pull-reconnect') const createClient = require('ssb-client') const nest = require('depnest') const ssbKeys = require('ssb-keys') const flat = require('flat') const extend = require('xtend') const pullResume = require('../pull-resume') exports.needs = nest({ 'config.sync.load': 'first', 'keys.sync.load': 'first', 'sbot.obs.connectionStatus': 'first', 'sbot.hook.publish': 'map', 'progress.obs.indexes': 'first' }) = { sbot: { sync: { cache: true }, async: { get: true, getLatest: true, publish: true, addBlob: true, connConnect: true, connRememberConnect: true, friendsGet: true, acceptDHT: true }, pull: { log: true, userFeed: true, messagesByType: true, feed: true, links: true, backlinks: true, stream: true, resumeStream: true }, obs: { connectionStatus: true, connection: true, connectedPeers: true, localPeers: true, stagedPeers: true } } } exports.create = function (api) { const config = api.config.sync.load() const keys = api.keys.sync.load() const cache = {} let sbot = null const connection = Value() const connectionStatus = Value() const connectedPeers = MutantSet() const localPeers = MutantSet() const stagedPeers = MutantSet() const rec = Reconnect(function (isConn) { function notify (value) { isConn(value); connectionStatus.set(value) } const opts = { path: config.path, remote: config.remote, host:, port: config.port, key: config.key, appKey: config.caps.shs, timers: config.timers, caps: config.caps, friends: config.friends } createClient(keys, opts, function (err, _sbot) { if (err) { return notify(err) } sbot = _sbot sbot.on('closed', function () { sbot = null connection.set(null) notify(new Error('closed')) }) connection.set(sbot) notify() }) }) watch(connection, (sbot) => { if (sbot) { pull( sbot.conn.peers(), pull.drain(entries => { const peers = entries.filter(([, x]) => !!x.key).map(([address, data]) => ({ address, data })) localPeers.set(peers.filter(peer => === 'lan')) connectedPeers.set(peers.filter(peer => === 'connected')) }) ) pull( sbot.conn.stagedPeers(), pull.drain(entries => { const peers = entries.filter(([, x]) => !!x.key).map(([address, data]) => ({ address, data })) stagedPeers.set(peers) }) ) } }) return { sbot: { sync: { cache: () => cache }, async: { get: rec.async(function (key, cb) { if (typeof cb !== 'function') { throw new Error('cb must be function') } if (cache[key]) cb(null, cache[key]) else { const options = typeof key === 'string' ? { private: true, id: key } : key sbot.get(options, function (err, value) { if (err) return cb(err) runHooks({ key, value }) cb(null, value) }) } }), getLatest: rec.async(function (id, cb) { if (typeof cb !== 'function') { throw new Error('cb must be function') } sbot.getLatest(id, function (err, value) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, value) }) }), publish: rec.async((content, cb) => { const indexes = api.progress.obs.indexes() const progress = indexes() const pending = - progress.current || 0 if (pending) { const err = new Error('Cowardly refusing to publish your message while database is still indexing. Please try again once indexing is finished.') if (typeof cb === 'function') { return cb(err) } else { console.error(err.toString()) return } } if (content.recps) { content =, => { return ref.isFeed(e) ? e : })) } else { const flatContent = flat(content) Object.keys(flatContent).forEach(key => { const val = flatContent[key] if (ref.isBlob(val)) { sbot.blobs.push(val, err => { if (err) console.error(err) }) } }) } if (sbot) { // instant updating of interface (just incase sbot is busy) runHooks({ publishing: true, timestamp:, value: { timestamp:, author:, content } }) } sbot.publish(content, (err, msg) => { if (err) console.error(err) else if (!cb) console.log(msg) cb && cb(err, msg) }) }), addBlob: rec.async((stream, cb) => { return pull( stream, sbot.blobs.add(cb) ) }), connConnect: rec.async(function (address, data, cb) { sbot.conn.connect(address, data, cb) }), connRememberConnect: rec.async(function (address, data, cb) { sbot.conn.remember(address, { autoconnect: true, }, (err) => { if (err) cb(err) else sbot.conn.connect(address, data, cb) }) }), friendsGet: rec.async(function (opts, cb) { sbot.friends.get(opts, cb) }), acceptDHT: rec.async(function (opts, cb) { sbot.dhtInvite.accept(opts, cb) }) }, pull: { backlinks: rec.source(query => { return }), userFeed: rec.source(opts => { return sbot.createUserStream(opts) }), messagesByType: rec.source(opts => { return sbot.messagesByType(opts) }), feed: rec.source(function (opts) { return pull( sbot.createFeedStream(opts), pull.through(runHooks) ) }), log: rec.source(opts => { return pull( sbot.createLogStream(opts), pull.through(runHooks) ) }), links: rec.source(function (query) { return sbot.links(query) }), stream: function (fn) { const stream = defer.source() onceTrue(connection, function (connection) { stream.resolve(fn(connection)) }) return stream }, resumeStream: function (fn, baseOpts) { return function (opts) { const stream = defer.source() onceTrue(connection, function (connection) { stream.resolve(pullResume.remote((opts) => { return fn(connection, opts) }, extend(baseOpts, opts))) }) return stream } } }, obs: { connectionStatus: (listener) => connectionStatus(listener), connection, connectedPeers: () => connectedPeers, localPeers: () => localPeers, stagedPeers: () => stagedPeers } } } // scoped function runHooks (msg) { if (msg.publishing) { api.sbot.hook.publish(msg) } else if (!cache[msg.key]) { // cache[msg.key] = msg.value // api.sbot.hook.feed(msg) } } }