const Path = require('path') const electron = require('electron') const extend = require('xtend/mutable') const setupContextMenu = require('./context-menu') module.exports = function Window (config, path, opts, serverDevToolsCallback, navigateHandler) { const window = new electron.BrowserWindow(extend({ show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, // XXX: Maybe not always necessary (?) enableRemoteModule: true, } }, opts)) // have to forward the OS window state to the renderer because it cannot // access directly window.on('enter-full-screen', (event, alwaysOnTop) => { window.webContents.send("enter-full-screen"); }) window.on('leave-full-screen', (event, alwaysOnTop) => { window.webContents.send("leave-full-screen"); }) electron.ipcMain.on('ready-to-show', handleReadyToShow) window.webContents.on('dom-ready', function () { window.webContents.send('window-setup', { rootPath: path, config: config, data: || '', title: opts.title || 'Patchwork', }) const availableLangs = window.webContents.session.availableSpellCheckerLanguages window.webContents.send('setAvailableDictionaries', availableLangs) }) // setTimeout(function () { // // }, 3000) window.webContents.on('will-navigate', function (e, url) { e.preventDefault() }) window.webContents.on('new-window', function (e, url) { e.preventDefault() }) window.on('closed', function () { electron.ipcMain.removeListener('ready-to-show', handleReadyToShow) }) // TODO: better way to determine whether this is the main window ? if (opts.title === "Patchwork") { setupContextMenu( config, serverDevToolsCallback, navigateHandler, window ); } window.loadURL('file://' + Path.join(__dirname, '..', 'assets', 'base.html')) return window // scoped function handleReadyToShow (ev) { if (ev.sender === window) { electron.ipcMain.removeListener('ready-to-show', handleReadyToShow) } } }