const { shell, clipboard } = require('electron') const { BrowserWindow, ContextMenuParams, ipcMain, MenuItemConstructorOptions, WebContents } = require('electron') const contextMenu = require('electron-context-menu') const ref = require('ssb-ref') // used to receive out-of-band information about context-menu events // see below, Ctrl-F "context-menu-info" var lastClickInfo; module.exports = function ( config, serverDevToolsCallback, navigateHandler, window ) { ipcMain.handle("context-menu-info", (event, info) => { lastClickInfo = info; return true; }); contextMenu({ window, menu: (defaultActions, parameters, _, dictionarySuggestions) => { // elementAtPosition(window, parameters.x, parameters.y) const isFileProtocol = parameters.linkURL.startsWith("file:"); // This is very similar to the boilerplate from electron-context-menu even // though we don't use all the options. Some of the options are disabled // via "condition && " guards just to clarify where we differ from the // boilerplate. // See the original menu structure here: // // We could probably get away with heavy, heavy modification instead of // menu but this seems more understandable, all things considered let menuTemplate = [ dictionarySuggestions.length > 0 && defaultActions.separator(), ...dictionarySuggestions, defaultActions.separator(), defaultActions.learnSpelling(), defaultActions.separator(), defaultActions.lookUpSelection(), defaultActions.separator(), searchwithDDG(parameters), // instead of defaultActions.searchWithGoogle() defaultActions.separator(), defaultActions.cut(), defaultActions.copy(), defaultActions.paste(), defaultActions.separator(), // We typically don't want to copy links, only external ones copyEmbedMd(parameters), copyMsgText(window), // this and the next one might return the same id. Bit redundant but // only if we right-click on the message timestamp or such copyMsgKey(), copyRef(parameters), copyEmail(parameters), // We could make our own copyLink() instead which sets // visible: !isFileProtocol but this is easier !isFileProtocol && defaultActions.copyLink(), copyExternalLink(config), openOnExternalViewer(config), findRefs(parameters, navigateHandler), defaultActions.separator(), openMediaInBrowser(parameters), defaultActions.saveImage(), defaultActions.saveImageAs(), defaultActions.copyImage(), defaultActions.copyImageAddress(), defaultActions.separator(), // this could trigger a web request from within patchwork and we don't want that false && defaultActions.saveLinkAs(), defaultActions.separator(), defaultActions.inspect(), openServerDevTools(serverDevToolsCallback),, defaultActions.separator(), reloadWindow(), ]; return menuTemplate; }, }); }; // Every function below here will produce one MenuItemConstructorOptions object function copyMsgKey() { const msgKey = lastClickInfo?.msg?.key return { label: "Copy Message Reference", visible: !!msgKey, click: function () { } } } function copyMsgText(window) { const msgKey = lastClickInfo?.msg?.key return { label: "Copy Message Text", visible: !!msgKey, click: function () { window.webContents.send('copy-message-text', msgKey) }, }; } function openOnExternalViewer(config) { const msgKey = lastClickInfo?.msg?.key return { label: 'Open In Online Viewer', visible: !!msgKey, click: function () { const key = msgKey const gateway = config.gateway || '' const url = `${gateway}/${encodeURIComponent(key)}` shell.openExternal(url); } } } function copyExternalLink(config) { const msgKey = lastClickInfo?.msg?.key return { label: 'Copy External Link', visible: !!msgKey, click: function () { const key = msgKey const gateway = config.gateway || '' const url = `${gateway}/${encodeURIComponent(key)}` clipboard.writeText(url) } } } function findRefs(parameters, navigate) { const extractedRef = parameters.mediaType === "none" ? ref.extract(parameters.linkURL) : ref.extract(parameters.srcURL); const usageOrRef = extractedRef && parameters.mediaType === "none" ? 'References To' : 'Usages Of' const label = !!extractedRef ? `Find ${usageOrRef} ${extractedRef.slice(0, 10).replaceAll("&", "&&&")}...` : ""; return { label, visible: !!extractedRef, click: () => { navigate(`?${extractedRef}`); }, }; } function copyRef(parameters) { const extractedRef = parameters.mediaType === "none" ? ref.extract(parameters.linkURL) : ref.extract(parameters.srcURL); const label = !!extractedRef ? `Copy Reference ${extractedRef.slice(0, 10).replaceAll("&", "&&&")}...` : ""; return { label, visible: !!extractedRef, click: () => { clipboard.writeText(extractedRef); }, }; } function copyEmail(parameters) { return { label: "Copy Email Address", // FIXME: this fails for "mailto:" links that actually are hand-coded in markdown // example: Mail me at my [work address](mailto:daan@business.corp) visible: parameters.linkURL.startsWith("mailto:"), click: () => { // Omit the mailto: portion of the link; we just want the address clipboard.writeText(parameters.linkText); }, }; } function copyEmbedMd(parameters) { return { label: "Copy Embed Markdown", visible: parameters.mediaType !== "none", click: () => { const extractedRef = ref.extract(parameters.srcURL); clipboard.writeText(`![${parameters.titleText}](${extractedRef})`); }, }; } function openMediaInBrowser(parameters) { return { label: "Open With Browser", visible: parameters.mediaType !== "none", click: () => { shell.openExternal(parameters.srcURL); }, }; } function searchwithDDG(parameters) { return { label: "Search With DuckDuckGo", // Only show it when right-clicking text visible: parameters.selectionText.trim().length > 0, click: () => { const url = `${encodeURIComponent( parameters.selectionText )}`; shell.openExternal(url); }, }; } function reloadWindow() { return { label: "Reload", click: function (item, focusedWindow) { if (focusedWindow) { focusedWindow.reload(); } }, }; } function openServerDevTools(serverDevToolsCallback) { return { label: "Inspect Server Process", click: serverDevToolsCallback, }; }