const nest = require('depnest') const h = require('mutant/h') const map = require('mutant/map') const when = require('mutant/when') const computed = require('mutant/computed') const send = require('mutant/send') const { titleFromMarkdown } = require('../../../markdownSummary') exports.needs = nest({ '': 'first', 'about.obs.description': 'first', 'about.html.image': 'first', 'app.navigate': 'first', 'intl.sync.i18n': 'first', 'intl.sync.i18n_n': 'first', 'sheet.profiles': 'first', 'contact.html.followToggle': 'first', '': 'first' }) = nest('profile.html.preview') exports.create = function (api) { const i18n = api.intl.sync.i18n const plural = api.intl.sync.i18n_n return nest('profile.html.preview', function (id) { const idLen = id.length const name = const contact = const description = api.about.obs.description(id) return h('ProfilePreview', [ h('header', [ h('div.image', api.about.html.image(id)), h('div.main', [ h('div.title', [ h('h1', [ h('a', { href: '#', 'ev-click': () => }, [name]) ]), h('div.meta', [, { block: false }) ]) ]), h('section -publicKey', [ h('pre', { title: i18n('Public key for this profile') }, id) ]), h( 'section -profile', [ computed(description, (description) => { const summary = titleFromMarkdown(description, idLen, 1) return summary })] ) ]) ]), when(contact.isYou, h('section -you', [ i18n('This is you.') ])), when(contact.notFollowing, [ when(contact.blockingFriendsCount, h('section -blockWarning', [ h('a', { href: '#', 'ev-click': send(displayBlockingFriends, contact.blockingFriends) }, [ '⚠️ ', computed(['This person is blocked by %s of your friends.', contact.blockingFriendsCount], plural) ]) ]), when(contact.noOutgoing, h('section -distanceWarning', [ '⚠️ ', i18n('This person does not follow anyone that follows you') ]), when(contact.noIncoming, h('section -distanceWarning', [ '⚠️ ', i18n('You don\'t follow anyone who follows this person') ]), when(contact.mutualFriendsCount, h('section -mutualFriends', [ h('a', { href: '#', title: nameList(i18n('Mutual Friends'), contact.mutualFriends), 'ev-click': send(displayMutualFriends, contact.mutualFriends) }, [ '👥 ', computed(['You share %s mutual friends with this person.', contact.mutualFriendsCount], plural) ]) ]), h('section -mutualFriends', [ h('a', { href: '#', title: nameList(i18n('Followed by'), contact.incomingVia), 'ev-click': send(displayFollowedBy, contact.incomingVia) }, [ '👥 ', computed(['You follow %s people that follow this person.', contact.incomingViaCount], plural) ]) ]) ) ) ) ) ]) ]) }) function displayMutualFriends (profiles) { api.sheet.profiles(profiles, i18n('Mutual Friends')) } function displayFollowedBy (profiles) { api.sheet.profiles(profiles, i18n('Followed by')) } function displayBlockingFriends (profiles) { api.sheet.profiles(profiles, i18n('Blocked by')) } function nameList (prefix, ids) { const items = map(ids, return computed([prefix, items], (prefix, names) => { return (prefix ? (prefix + '\n') : '') + => `- ${n}`).join('\n') }) } }