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Daan Patchwork / patchwork

Tree: 1e0d83b096ae1e434e0decc1cb3af6cec68ec72a

Files: 1e0d83b096ae1e434e0decc1cb3af6cec68ec72a / locales / zh-TW.json

13353 bytesRaw
2 "Publishing...": "發布中...",
3 "Publish": "發布",
4 "Preview & Publish Privately": "預覽和發布私信",
5 "Preview & Publish": "預覽和發布",
6 "Welcome to Patchwork": "歡迎使用Patchwork",
7 "You may not be able to see new content until you follow some users or pubs.": "如果你沒有關注別人或者加入任何pub, 你可能不會看到新的內容。",
8 "For help, see the 'Getting Started' guide at ": "如果需要幫助, 請查看“開始”嚮導 在 ",
9 "update": "更新",
10 "updates": "更新",
11 "+ Join Pub": "+ 加入 Pub",
12 "Active Channels": "活躍頻道",
13 "More Channels...": "更多頻道...",
14 "Local": "本地",
15 "Connected Pubs": "已加入的 Pubs",
16 "Whom to follow": "推薦關注",
17 "Write a private message": "寫私信 \n\n\n\n只能被你自己和被你@的人打開閱讀。",
18 "Edit Your Profile": "編輯你的個人信息",
19 "Public key for this profile": "此人的公匙",
20 "This person is blocked by %s of your friends.": {
21 "one": "此人被 %s 個你的好友屏蔽。",
22 "other": "此人被 %s 個你的好友屏蔽。"
23 },
24 "You don't follow anyone who follows this person": "你關注的人中沒人關注此人",
25 "You might not be seeing their latest messages. You could try joining a pub that they are a member of.": "你可能看不到他們最近的消息。你可以嘗試加入他們所在的pub.",
26 "However, since they follow someone that follows you, they should be able to see your posts.": "但是,由於他們關注的某人關注了你, 他們應該能夠看到你的帖子。",
27 "They might not be able to see your posts either.": "他們也有可能看不到你的帖子.",
28 "This person does not follow anyone that follows you": "此人關注的人中沒人關注你",
29 "They might not receive your private messages or replies. You could try joining a pub that they are a member of.": "他們可能無法收到你的私信或者回覆,你可以嘗試加入他們所在的pub。",
30 "However, since you follow someone that follows them, you should be able to see their latest posts.": "但是,由於你關注的某人關注了他們,你應該可以收到他們最近的帖子。",
31 "Mutual Friends": "共同好友",
32 "You share %s mutual friends with this person.": {
33 "one": "你和此人有 %s 個共同好友.",
34 "other": "你和此人有 %s 個共同好友."
35 },
36 "Followed by": "被誰關注",
37 "You follow %s people that follow this person.": {
38 "one": "你關注的人當中有人關注此人.",
39 "other": "你關注的人當中有 %s 人關注此人."
40 },
41 "Send Private Message": "發送私信",
42 "Friends": "好友",
43 "Followers": "粉絲",
44 "Following": "已關注",
45 "Blocked by": "被屏蔽於",
46 "Public": "公開",
47 "Private": "私人",
48 "More": "更多",
49 "Gatherings": "聚會",
50 "Extended Network": "擴展圈子",
51 "Settings": "設置",
52 "Patchwork": "Patchwork",
53 "Upgrading database": "升級數據庫",
54 "Downloading new messages": "下載新消息中",
55 "Indexing database": "數據庫索引中",
56 "Scuttling...": "快速爬行中...",
57 "word, @key, #channel": "關鍵字,@驗證碼,#頻道",
58 "Profile": "個人信息",
59 "Mentions": "提到",
60 " has been released.": " 已發布.",
61 " Click here to download and view more info!": " 點擊這裡下載和查看更多信息!",
62 "Self Assigned": "自己指定為",
63 "Assigned By": "被指定源於",
64 "followed ": "關注了 ",
65 "Reply": "回覆",
66 "View full thread": "看所有樓",
67 "Unsubscribe": "取消訂閱",
68 "Subscribe": "訂閱",
69 "Force Disconnect": "強制斷開",
70 "(you)": "(你)",
71 "in reply to ": "在回覆於 ",
72 "See less": "顯示更少",
73 "See more": "顯示更多",
74 "mentioned you": "提到你",
75 " and ": " 和 ",
76 "Liked by": "讚源於",
77 "liked this message": "讚了此帖",
78 "%s likes": {
79 "one": "%s 讚",
80 "other": "%s 讚"
81 },
82 "replied to this message": "回覆了此帖",
83 "unfollowed ": "取消關注 ",
84 " others": " 其他人",
85 "Write a public message": "寫公共帖子",
86 "New Message": "新消息",
87 "%s people from your network replied to this message on ": {
88 "one": "%s 人在你圈子中回覆了此帖於 ",
89 "other": "%s 人在你圈子中回覆了此帖於 "
90 },
91 "mentioned in your network": "在你的圈子中被提到",
92 "Channels": "頻道",
93 "Browse All": "瀏覽所有",
94 "$name": "中文",
95 "Theme": "主題",
96 "Language": "語言",
97 "Default": "默認",
98 "de": "德語",
99 "en": "英語",
100 "es": "西班牙語",
101 "pt": "葡萄牙語",
102 "ur": "烏爾都語",
103 "sl": "斯洛文尼亞語",
104 "pl": "波蘭語",
105 "pt-BR": "巴西葡萄牙語",
106 "ru": "俄語",
107 "uk": "烏克蘭語",
108 "zh-CN": "簡體中文",
109 "zh-TW": "繁體中文",
110 "Public Feed Options": "公共消息流選項",
111 "Hide following messages": "隱藏關注消息",
112 "This is you.": "這是你。",
113 "Click to unblock": "點擊取消屏蔽",
114 "Blocked": "被屏蔽",
115 "Click to unfollow": "點擊取消關注",
116 "Follow Back": "關注回去",
117 "Follow": "關注",
118 "Click to block syncing with this person and hide their posts": "點擊屏蔽同步此人的消息並隱藏其帖子",
119 "Block": "屏蔽",
120 "Write a private reply": "寫私信回覆",
121 "Write a public reply": "寫公共回覆",
122 "External Link": "外部鏈接",
123 "subscribed to ": "去訂閱 ",
124 "unsubscribed from ": "取消訂閱 ",
125 "Click to unsubscribe": "點擊取消訂閱",
126 "Subscribed": "已訂閱",
127 "Write a message in this channel": "在此頻道中寫消息\n\n\n\n關注你的人或者訂閱此頻道的人會看到此消息。\n\n如果要創建新頻道,在搜索框中輸入頻道名字,前面加#。例如 #貓片",
128 "mentioned this channel": "在此頻道中被引用",
129 "You may not be able to see new channel content until you follow some users or pubs.": "在你關注用戶或pub之前,你可能看不到頻道新內容。",
130 "Search Results:": "搜索結果:",
131 "Search completed.": "搜索完成。",
132 "result found": "紀錄被找到",
133 "results found": "紀錄被找到",
134 "blocked ": "被屏蔽了 ",
135 "Confirm": "確認",
136 "Cancel": "取消",
137 "Unread Message": "未讀消息",
138 "Font Size": "字體大小",
139 "Hide posts in channels that are not subscribed": "隱藏未訂閱頻道的消息",
140 "Information": "信息",
141 "Hide channel subscription messages": "隱藏頻道的訂閱消息",
142 "Channel Feed Options": "頻道內容選項",
143 " forked this discussion:": " 分叉了此討論:",
144 "You are not following anyone": "你沒有關注任何人",
145 "For help getting started, see the guide at ": "如想獲取幫助如何開始,請查看嚮導在 ",
146 "added changes": "新變動",
147 "Your Profile": "你的個人信息",
148 "Choose Profile Image...": "選擇頭像...",
149 "Choose a name": "選擇名字",
150 "Describe yourself (if you want)": "描述你自己 (如果你想這麼做的話)",
151 "Missing message": "迷失的信息",
152 " via ": " 經由 ",
153 "The author of this message could be outside of your follow range or they may be blocked.": "此帖作者可能在你關注圈外或者被屏蔽了。",
154 "Close": "關閉",
155 " referenced this message:": " 引用了此消息:",
156 "on ": "於 ",
157 "You follow %s people that subscribe to this channel.": {
158 "one": "你關注的 %s 人訂閱了此頻道。",
159 "other": "你關注的 %s 人訂閱了此頻道。"
160 },
161 "People you follow that subscribe to this channel": "你關注並訂閱此頻道的人",
162 " from your extended network": " 來自你的擴展圈子",
163 "+ Add Gathering": "+ 添加聚會",
164 "View %s more": {
165 "one": "%s 更多",
166 "other": "%s 更多"
167 },
168 "self identifies as ": "自認為",
169 "self assigned a description": "自己使用了描述",
170 "self assigned a display image": "自己使用了圖片",
171 "assigned a display image to ": "使用的圖片為 ",
172 "Browse Channels": "瀏覽頻道",
173 "identifies ": "認為 ",
174 " as \"": " 如同 \"",
175 "unblocked ": "取消屏蔽了 ",
176 "identified ": "被認為 ",
177 "All Posts from Your ": "所有的消息來源於你的 ",
178 "You have no followers": "還沒有人關注你",
179 "Nobody will be able to see your posts until you have a follower. The easiest way to get a follower is to use a pub invite as the pub will follow you back. If you have already redeemed a pub invite and you see it has not followed you back on your profile, try another pub.": "在有人關注你之前,沒有人會看到你你的消息。最容易的獲得關注者的方法是關注一個pub,這樣pub會成為你的關注者。如果你已經使用了pub邀請但是pub沒有關注你,請嘗試其他pub。",
180 "Cannot load thread": "無法加載此樓",
181 "can attend": "能夠參加",
182 "Choose a title": "選擇標題",
183 "Choose date and time": "選擇日期和時間",
184 "Choose Banner Image...": "選擇橫幅圖像...",
185 "Describe the gathering (if you want)": "描述此聚會 (如果你想這麼做的話)",
186 "Create Gathering": "創建聚會",
187 "liked": "讚",
188 "(missing message)": "(迷失的消息)",
189 "Cannot display message.": "無法顯示消息。",
190 "What would you like to call ": "你喜歡稱之為甚麼對於 ",
191 "Names you assign here will be publicly visible to others.": "你在此使用的名字其他人都能看到。",
192 "Update Profile": "修改個人信息",
193 "OK": "好",
194 "You have not made any changes.": "你沒有做任何修改",
195 "Nothing to publish": "沒有內容去發布",
196 "Edit": "編輯",
197 "Only visible to you and people that have been mentioned": "只可見於你和被引用的人",
198 "Only visible to you and other thread participants": "只可見於你和其他參與此樓討論的人",
199 "This message will be public and cannot be edited or deleted": "此消息將會被公開且無法被修改或刪除",
200 "This message will be public and can be edited by anyone": "此消息將會被公開且任何人可以修改",
201 "followed": "關注了",
202 "Hide details": "隱藏細節",
203 "Show details": "顯示細節",
204 "%s people": {
205 "one": "%s 人",
206 "other": "%s 人"
207 },
208 "updated their profile": "更新了他們的個人信息",
209 "fr": "法語",
210 "sk": "斯洛伐克語",
211 "subscribed to": "訂閱了",
212 "identified": "被認為",
213 "blocked": "被屏蔽了",
214 "This message will only be visible to you": "此消息只有你可見",
215 "unfollowed": "取消關注",
216 "Create Invite": "創建邀請",
217 "Accept Invite": "接受邀請",
218 "Tags": "標籤",
219 "All Tags": "全部標籤",
220 "Tags Used By You": "你使用的標籤",
221 "Community Tags": "社區標籤",
222 "Most Active": "最活躍",
223 "Recent": "最近",
224 "From You": "來自你",
225 "From Everyone": "來自所有人",
226 "Unlike": "取消讚",
227 "Like": "讚",
228 "Add / Edit Tags": "添加 / 編輯標籤",
229 "Add tags here": "添加標籤於此",
230 "made changes to": "修改了",
231 "paste invite code here": "在此粘貼邀請碼",
232 "By default, Patchwork will only see other users that are on the same local area network as you.": "默認情況下,Patchwork只能發現和你在同一本地局域網的人。",
233 "In order to share with users on the internet, you need to be invited to a pub server.": "為了和互聯網上的人共享,你需要被邀請加入pub。",
234 "Redeem Invite": "使用邀請",
235 "filter names": "篩選名字",
236 "Connect directly to friends currently online, using a peer-to-peer technology called \"Distributed Hash Table\"": "和目前在線的好友直接連接,使用點對點的 \"分布式哈希表\" DHT技術",
237 "Give this invite code to one friend. ": "把這個邀請碼給一個好友。",
238 "You will sync when you are both online.": "你會在你們同時在線時同步。",
239 "Please wait...": "請稍等...",
240 "Create DHT Invite": "創建 DHT 邀請",
241 "Error": "錯誤",
242 "An error occurred while attempting to redeem invite.": "嘗試使用邀請時發生錯誤。",
243 "Save": "保存",
244 "Redeeming...": "使用中...",
245 "Applied Tags": "已使用的標籤",
246 "View Taggers": "查看貼標籤者",
247 " Taggers": " 貼標籤者",
248 "Back": "返回",
249 "Only visible to you and %s people that have been mentioned": {
250 "one": "僅可見於你和 %s 被引用的人",
251 "other": "僅可見於你和 %s 被引用的人"
252 },
253 "Only visible to you and %s other thread participants": {
254 "one": "僅可見於你和 %s 其他參與此樓者",
255 "other": "僅可見於你和 %s 其他參與此樓者"
256 },
257 "Clear Draft": "清除草稿",
258 "Participating": "參與的樓",
259 "All Threads": "所有樓",
260 "Threads Started By You": "樓主是你",
261 "Search for word, @feedId, #channel or %msgId\nYou can also add author:@id or is:private for more filtering": "搜索關鍵字,@feedId,#頻道 或者 %msgId\n你也可以加上 author:@id 或者 is:private 來進行更多的篩選",
262 "Browse Recently Active": "瀏覽最近活躍",
263 "Write a public reply in sub-thread (fork)": "寫公共回覆在字樓 (fork)",
264 "Click to unlike": "點擊取消讚",
265 "Liked": "已讚",
266 "(ignored)": "(已被無視)",
267 "(listening)": "(正在收聽)",
268 "You have chosen to publicly block this person.": "你已選擇公開屏蔽此人",
269 "You have chosen to privately ignore this person.": "你已選擇非公開無視此人",
270 "No new messages will be downloaded. Existing messages will be hidden.": "新的信息將不會被下載。已有的信息將被隱藏。",
271 "Click for options to block syncing with this person and/or hide their posts": "點擊獲取選項來阻止與此人同步 和/或 隱藏其消息",
272 "Options": "選項"

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